Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Better Me

 Do you ever think that there isn't enough time in the day for those things you actually enjoy doing? 
I do, but I have decided that this train of thought isn't acceptable anymore. 
When do you enjoy life the most? When you are working or studying? 
You need to take action on these thoughts.
I need to take action on these thoughts.
We need to take action on these thoughts. 
We enjoy our lives the most when we are doing things that we enjoy, so why don't we make time for them? 
Well for me it is a simple answer, ever since I have had a break from traveling for work I am too tired, aka too lazy, after work in the office. Again, I do not accept this train of thought anymore. I love reading, crafting, and exploring new places, among many other things, and I am determined to get back into these habits. 

So, my plan to solve these lazy thoughts? Simple, quit telling myself to be lazy. 
You're probably thinking, easier said than done, right? Wrong. 
I tell myself I am too tired, that I need to sit and do nothing for a little bit. Well, that is okay! But, not when I realize it is now bedtime and I have done nothing productive since work. I have to quit telling myself to be lazy just a little bit longer.
When we think negatively, our bodies respond that way. So, I am going to start telling myself to get off my tush, to quit watching TV and playing on any piece of  technology I can get my hand onto, and do something productive and fulfilling. 

Daily goals:
Spend a minimum of 1 hour doing something I love-This will not include browsing the internet, stalking social media sites, or watching TV/movies until my brain is fried.

Quit watching TV and playing on my phone when going to bed-This is a time to crawl in bed and enjoy the peace and quite, to clear my head and relax. I always leave my TV on all night and it interferes with my dreams and sleep cycle. If I need help falling asleep, I will pick up a book.

Weekly goals:
Complete a minimum of 2 projects a week-This could be finishing a book, a project around the house, or trying something new. 
Plan and cook meals for the week-My goal is to spend my Sunday's in the kitchen cooking my weekly meals. I often move too slow in the morning to eat breakfast and prepare lunch, so I often eat out for lunch. Yuck.

This is just a start for my goals on A Better Me. I will constantly add to and adjust these goals. I mean, all of these goals will not apply when I am traveling for 6 months at a time! 

How do you keep motivated after work or school?

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